US-Ökonom und Nobelpreisträger Paul Krugman nennt die haushaltspolitische Expertise der Neokonservativen eine Schande für die Wissenschaft. Die Republikaner lebten in einer anderen Welt. Insbesondere glaubten sie noch immer an das Axiom der Reaganomics, dass Steuersenkungen für Milliardäre das inländische Wirtschaftswachstum beflügeln könne und so die Steuerausfälle ausgleichen könnten. Krugman ruft den US-Präsidenten dazu auf, mit derlei Parteiideologie sachgemäß und unversöhnlich zu verfahren und keine faulen Kompromisse zu schließen.
"When the proposal was released, it was praised as a “wonk-approved” plan that had been run by the experts. But the “experts” in question, it turned out, were at the Heritage Foundation, and few people outside the hard right found their conclusions credible. In the words of the consulting firm Macroeconomic Advisers — which makes its living telling businesses what they need to know, not telling politicians what they want to hear — the Heritage analysis was “both flawed and contrived.” Basically, Heritage went all in on the much-refuted claim that cutting taxes on the wealthy produces miraculous economic results, including a surge in revenue that actually reduces the deficit.Paul Krugman: Let’s Not Be Civil. The New York Times, 17. April 2011.
By the way, Heritage is always like this. Whenever there’s something the G.O.P. doesn’t like — say, environmental protection — Heritage can be counted on to produce a report, based on no economic model anyone else recognizes, claiming that this policy would cause huge job losses. Correspondingly, whenever there’s something Republicans want, like tax cuts for the wealthy or for corporations, Heritage can be counted on to claim that this policy would yield immense economic benefits."
Instruktiv diese politische Ortsbestimmung von "neo-konservativ" in einem US-Wörterbuch:
"NEO-CONSERVATIVE. The exact opposite of a conservative. Neo-conservative are the Bolsheviks of the Right. Like the Bolsheviks, they appear in restrainend groups driven by a simple ideology. They seek practical ways to achieve real power in order to make revolutionary changes. These 'practical ways' usually involve creating a misunderstanding over the 'revolutionary changes' to follow.
The first step in the advancement of a Bolshevik movement is the establishment of intellectual respectability. (...)
It is not unreasonable to place thema among the last true MARXISTS, since they believe in the inevitability of class warfare, which they are certain they can win by provoking it while they have power."
John Ralston Saul: The Doubter's Companion. A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense. The Free Press New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore. 1994. ISBN 0-7432-3660-2.
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